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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Insurance Accuses My Dad of Driving Drunk and Refused to Pay Claim! My Dad Never Drank, What Do I Do?

There are many situations where you really do not need a lawyer. Most disputes can be resolved between reasonable people. This is not one of those situations. If you are faced with this situation or a similar situation, hire a competent attorney immediately.

A live, healthy body does not produce ethanol. At death, however, the body starts producing ethanol naturally. Also, the body’s natural filtering process (kidneys, liver and such) no longer works to remove this naturally occurring ethanol. This phenomenon is enhanced when the body suffers open wounds or heat. The result is a false drug test that shows alcohol in the body. Often the levels of alcohol are extreme.

Neither an insurance company nor an at-fault driver should prey on this fact and your feelings about your loved one to deny insurance coverage or deny liability. Unfortunately, resolving this dispute often requires hiring experts and litigation. Other false positives may result in taking over the counter medications or supplements. We have handled this situation before and welcome the opportunity to assist you.   -Brandon L. Blankenship (205)912-8248
-Blankenship Harrelson, LLP

Friday, August 26, 2011

What Is My Personal Injury Case Worth?

As an injury attorney this is the most common question asked when I am consulting injury victims. The answer depends on many different factors. Where did the accident occur? What are the injuries? How much are your medical bills? Do you have a permanent disability rating? Do you have lost wages? Is liability clear?

The answer to this question can be often overwhelming for injury victims. The goal in resolving injury cases is adequate compensation for the injury victim. Most cases are very complicated, thus an attorney is needed to sort through all of the red tape.

Before you hire a personal injury attorney be sure to check them out. Ask whether they have experience handling your type of case. You can also ask the attorney for client testimonials. There is no better way to find out about an attorneys performance than talking to former clients. Do your homework and find out if the attorney is right for you. Patrick Kenerly (205)912-8245
Blankenship Harrelson, LLP

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Common Injuries Resulting From Motor Vehicle Accidents

Injuries resulting from car accidents are often life-altering and life-threatening and can include traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, whiplash, bone fractures, paralysis and burn injuries.

Injuries resulting from motor vehicle accidents can be very obvious as in the case of broken bones and bleeding from trauma to soft tissue, but so-called "hidden" injuries that are not visible to the common observer, such as whiplash injuries can have just as devastating an impact on a victim as an obvious injury.

Whiplash refers to an injury to the neck that occurs when a vehicle is hit from behind and the occupants head and neck are suddenly jerked forward and then backward from the impact. The symptoms of whiplash include headache, pain, soreness and tenderness, swelling and muscle spasms.
An injury to the spinal cord can have life-long consequences such as chronic pain or paralysis. The physical and emotional costs of motor vehicle accident injuries are immeasurable.

If you were injured in a motor vehicle accident you could be eligible for financial compensation for the damages you have suffered such as medical expenses, loss of income and future earning potential and your pain and suffering and any other expenses you incurred as a result of the accident. -Greg Harrelson (205)912-8251Blankenship Harrelson, LLP

Friday, July 15, 2011

Getting the Most from UM Coverage

In Alabama , UM coverage (underinsured/uninsured motorist) is stackable up to three vehicles per policy of insurance. If you have more than one policy, then you can stack up to a maximum of three vehicles for each policy. However, you do not have to be a named insured on a policy to be a covered person for UM purposes under that policy.

For example, you are by definition a covered person under the policy of insurance for any vehicle in which you are either a driver or passenger. Another example is household residence, making you a covered person by definition for any vehicle insured by a household resident.  -Greg Harrelson (205)912-8251

What If You Are Injured But Do Not Have Health Insurance?

If you have been injured in an automobile accident you will likely need medical attention. What if you do not have health insurance? Even if you do not have health insurance you should go to the emergency room immediately following your accident. Most hospitals have payment programs if you do not have the money to pay. Hospitals will also typically work with you on a reduction of your medical bill.

Another way to get medical attention is through an attorney. An attorney can get appointments for you with certain doctors by providing the doctor with a Letter of Protection. A Letter of Protection is a guarantee from the patient and attorney to pay the doctor out of the settlement proceeds. When in doubt you can always find treatment at the emergency room. Most emergency rooms will even provide you with a doctor who will perform follow up care.  -Patrick Kenerly (205)912-8245
Blankenship Harrelson, LLP

Thursday, July 14, 2011

I Have Been Injured. Do I Need An Attorney?

As an injury victim should I choose an attorney to help with my case or should I handle it myself? To answer this question you must ask yourself what can an attorney do for me and how much do I have to pay him.

Attorneys give injury victims the same leverage that the insurance company has in negotiating a fair settlement. An attorney also has the knowledge to properly evaluate the value of your injury claim. The insurance company knows that an attorney can file a lawsuit on behalf of his client which adds value to the case.

Other than increasing the settlement value of your case, what else can an attorney do for you? Attorneys also help with the outstanding medical bills that accompany an injury. Attorneys can negotiate with the hospitals or healthcare provider to reduce your bills. This is a huge benefit to an injury victim because it puts more money in the pocket of the injury victim.

Finally, how and when do I pay my attorney and what if we don’t win my case? Most injury victims have an increase in expenses and are often out of work for extended periods following their accident. Most attorneys will agree to take a percentage of the settlement at the conclusion of the case. In other words, if the attorney does not collect for you he does not charge for his services. This type agreement is for the benefit of the injury victim who may be financially burdened because of his injury.  Pbk (205)912-8245

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Why Injury Victims Should Not Give Recorded Statements

If you have ever been injured in a motor vehicle accident you have probably been asked to give a recorded statement. As a victim in a motor vehicle accident you should not give a statement to the insurance company. Why? Insurance adjusters are highly trained at asking certain misleading questions. Once you go on the record as to how certain events occurred it is hard to make any changes. What if you don’t remember everything? Accidents usually happen within a blink of the eye. The insurance adjuster expects you to recall the exact events of the collision, and if you can’t recall certain facts, they use it against you.

Before giving a recorded statement to the insurance company you should always contact an attorney who is knowledgeable in that area of law. Remember, once you go on the record with a recorded statement it can always be used against you.  Pbk (205)912-8245